Comic Strip Factory Files
If you don’t have Comic Strip Factory for the Mac yet, download and run the Free Trial before downloading any of the files below. These links will download directly into Comic Strip Factory.
Parts Files
These parts file links will download directly into Comic Strip Factory.

Trump has been removed from the latest version of the program, but for anyone who still wants to make comics with the Marmelade Mar-a-Lagoan, you can download him here!
Add Bernie at the inauguration to your comics! Fully masked and ready!
#JeffWeCan is a file containing parts for Jeff The Diseased Lung, a character created by John Oliver, of Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, as the new face of Marlboro. Feel free to download it and make your own anti-tobacco memes with Comic Strip Factory and JeffWeCan.

A panda. Everybody likes pandas.

A turkey. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Comic Files

This Facebook Cover Template is a starter comic file for making Facebook cover pictures. It is sized correctly and contains an overlay showing you what parts will be covered by the profile picture and other elements on Facebook. Instructional balloons are included.
Other files you can use with Comic Strip Factory.
These are the black and white, panorama backgrounds from the original Comic Strip Factory, converted to a modern file format.
Original Characters Tracing Images
These are tracing images of the original Comic Strip Factory characters. We’re making some of the new characters based on some of these, but we won’t get to them all right away, and some maybe never. They’re good source material if you want to get some practice drawing characters. (See the demo video, “Making Parts by Tracing.”)
Comic Strip Factory's first incarnation for the new Macintosh computer shipped in 1986, published by Foundation Publishing. The product was a collaboration of former employees of Softalk magazine, an Apple ][ magazine which sadly ceased publication in 1984. David Durkee wrote the application, Trici Venola created the characters, and Kurt Wahlner drew the backgrounds. They all moved on to other pursuits and when the product stopped working with new Macs and versions of the Mac OS a few years later, it was taken off the market.
We recently scanned the original manual and you can see or download it here:
Original Comic Strip Factory Manual (86MB)
(click to view, right click to download)